Registering Your Domain Name
Registration is the process of buying (registering) your domain name.
Register Your Domain Name for Ten Years in Advance |
We recommend buying your registration for several years in advance because Google goes to to do a "Who-Is search" to verify how long you registered your website. If you register for only a year Google will assume that your website is owned by amateurs, fly-by-nights, spammers or pornographers and will rank your website lower. On the other hand if you register your website for many yearsin advance Google assumes your website is owned by a professional company that plans on being around for a long time and will rank your website higher as a result. |
Selecting Your Domain Name |
We highly recommend talking to us before registering a domain name. There are several factors to consider that most people do not think of. For example: |
Keywords In Your Domain Name |
Many people do not realize it but the search engines read the words in your website website address (url) to see what your website is about. If your keywords are part of your website address your website may rank higher for your products and services. If you are targeting a specific city it helps to also include the city name in the websites address. For example if you wanted to rank for "remodeling in Naples" then a domain name such as would be perfect. |
Resale Value |
If your website ranks at the top of the search engines and has a proven track record of bringing in new clients when you sell your business or retire you may be able to sell the website for more than you paid for it (Meaning you got your investment back and so all those years of advertising worked out to being free). But the name of the website can affect the resale value. For instance any doctor in Naples would be happy to buy if the website was at the top of the search engines, but few of them would want to buy |
Only .Com's |
Buy only .com’s. For the most part the others are a waste of money. None one types .net, .org, etc., by mistake. But if you get for instance .net some of the people going to your website will type .com by mistake and end up in your competitions website. |
Registering Your Domain Name
We will be happy to help you find a good domain name that helps you rank higher because it contains your keywords and yet is generic enough that it has good resale value if you decide to sell your business at some future date. Most important of all you will own your domain name. Not us. No worries. If you are unhappy with us for any reason you will have the passwords to your domain and full ownership. And that's important because some unscrupuylous companies will try to register your domain name in their name and later when you want to fire them they will hold your domain name hostage. Take it from someone who has seen just how damaging to a business this can be - Protect ownership of your domain name by working with someone who makes sure the registration in "your" name.
If you already have a domain name you want to use. No worries. It will remain in your name. |
Contact Us |
Please contact us at (239)878-9310 or click here to use our contact form |