How would you feel if you had an advertisement in the phone book for a year and then when the year was over you found that they had listed the wrong phone number. Or worse, the phone number for your competition. Hey maybe they listed you as selling the wrong products or gave out your competitions website address. Don't believe it can happen? We on a daily basis amaze people when we show them just how many websites list their information incorrectly. Some of these are companies they are paying. In fact the ones with the most mistakes are generally the big online phone book companies (You know the ones we mean) who hire sales people, getting them all siked up, that generally quit a few months after starting their job. It shocks people to see that their advertisement has their competitions name on it. Or their competitions phone. But now here comes the bad part.
There are "hundreds" of new wannabe online phone companies and service directories who instead of calling your business and asking for your information use little software programs to grab this information off their competitors websites. They take information from Dex, Yellow Pages, Super Pages and all the others and then their software programs combine this information to make an instant listing for your company. But guess what, these programs have a hard time telling one company from another. They also don't know that you changed your phone number, your address, your website address, etc. And so on average we find that over 40% of these online phone book listings are either missing information (Phone, website address, etc), have a companies old address/phone or have gotten the information for two companies mixed up.
The end result is that over time your company can end up on "hundreds of websites" that are talking about your company and yet they are giving out incorrect information. You may be losing business because people looking for you, your products or services may be end up calling a phone number you have not had in years. Driving to the wrong address. Or call your competition. And you just lost a sale. The solution... We offer a service for where we first find the websites that have links to your website. Then we find all the websites where your phone number is listed. Then websites listing your business address. Then your email addresses. Your name and your company name. Oh, and all the old company names, old email addresses and old website addresses you have had in the past. This is generally a pretty big list. Then we go through each of these website listings about your company one at a time and check to see if they list your "current" website address, phone number, correct company name, etc. When we are done we send you a list of those websites that have incorrect information about you on them and a link to their websites where you (the owner) can generally click a link and change the information from your home or office. The result? You get more calls and more visitors to your website because your information is now accurate on all these sites. More importantly, Google and the other search engines have a hard time trusting your companies website if all the sites that are linking to it disagree on you company name, what you sell, your phone number, etc. In fact, these incorrect listings on other people's websites can actually kill your website in the search engines. So by fixing this information you can actually help your website rank much higher in Google and the other search engines.
We feel cleaning up your phone book listings online is probably the single best investment that most companies will ever make. |